For some time now I have thought about creating a special page that deals uniquely with finding motivation and inspiration in life. This is a subject of great interest to me, or rather of great importance. Few topics carry heavier weight that this one, because I feel we owe it to ourselves – and those around us – to make the best of life. And because we live in a fast-speed and competitive world that sometimes dampen our drive or motivation, we have all the more reason to search for those values, principles, and ideas that can help lift us up.
Today, therefore, this page that I choose to call Life Motivation is starting to take shape. For me, there could be no other title because life, simply put, is in itself our greatest motivator. Without a doubt, life has a wealth of treasures stored up for all of us. This does not mean, however, that we selfishly grab what we can. On the contrary, the pursuit of true happiness is based on humility for life and on selfless giving.
On this page – which will constantly change (a very good word, by the way) – I have put together some points of advice that I hope can foster a greater motivation in all of us. Connected to each advice is one or more blog posts that deal with the subject.
Please note that the words I write are not presumptuous. I don’t claim to be an expert. But my words do make claim on hard earned life experience. I just want to share some of those ideas that have helped me understand and enjoy life more fully. And should there only be a few tools here of benefit to someone, then that’s worth any effort on my part.
Live well! Louis